Frequently asked questions (Insurance)

Do I have to send CMFEP a school certificate each year to keep my child covered?

No, as a rule, a child can be covered by the parent’s health insurance until his or her 30th birthday. Therefore, health insurance coverage remains in effect and does not need to be manually renewed each year.

As a parent, can I choose whether my child will be insured with the father or the mother?

Article 7 of the Social Security Code provides that children are insured with the eldest parent or, in case of separation, with the parent with whom they live.

My child just turned 18 and I was told at the pharmacy that my child no longer has health insurance. What do I have to do to keep my child on my health insurance?

If your child's co-insurance was stopped on his or her 18th birthday, it is a software problem. In this case, it is enough to call us so that we can fix it.

Do I have to inform you if my child/co-insured is to be re-insured with me after a period where he/she worked and was therefore self-insured?

Yes, because unlike self-insurance, which is entered into our database by the employer and CCSS, co-insurance must be re-entered manually by CMFEP.

My partner is taking a year of unpaid leave. Can I have him co-insured with me?

Yes, Article 7 of the Social Security Code provides that partners can be co-insured. The health insurance does not make any difference whether it is a marriage or a registered partnership.

Please wait for the exit declaration from CCSS (this can take up to 3 weeks), only then we can co-insure your partner. Please send us any medical bills only after the health insurance has been updated to avoid medical bills being refunded to another account or from another health insurance company.