Ordering a European Health Insurance Card or a provisional certificate of replacement

First card or card that has already expired

If your current card has expired or if you do not have a card, you can order it on the website of the Joint Centre of Social Security

Card still valid but due to expire soon

If your current card is still valid but is due to expire soon, you can order a new card by e-mailing us at cmfep@secu.lu

Provisional certificate of replacement

In case of emergency, you can can request a provisional replacement certificate (valid for three months as of the issue date) via MyGuichet.

In the event of a request WITH authentication and if you have activated the eDelivery function, the provisional replacement certificate for the European health insurance card is sent directly to your private secured eSpace on MyGuichet.

In the event of a request WITHOUT authentication on MyGuichet and/or if the eDelivery function is not activated, the provisional replacement certificate will be sent by mail. In order for it to be sent correctly, your address must be up to date.